Elk Grove DUI Check Point Audit - Full video
Elk Grove Police Department DUI CHECKPOINT asssted by A1 Towing, Elk Grove
Aug 7, 2020 - Elk Grove DUI Check Point - Bond Road
We audited Elk Grove's DUI check point.
Overall Elk Grove PD did well at the audit; however, they did no good for society at all. It was complete waste of California tax payer money. Elk Grove made zero DUI arrests and for all the overtime spent. The best they could do was steal a couple of cars for unlicensed driver.
Elk Grove PD should be massively defunded.
One officer, in violation of EGPD policy, gave a false name and that video will be published later since he claimed, on camera to be a good cop; then lied about his name.
Female Canda Press reporter assaulted by A1 Towing Driver Elk Grove
Several A1 Towing Drivers, most of them named Karen, are completely triggered.
During the donut audit, Karen just couldn't control his rage. He waited until our female reporter was alone and he struck, assaulting our reporter. Even though she stood her ground versus the intimidating driver, she was very frightened. Luckily, the driver did not cause her physical injury.
If you know Karen's real name, please let us know. Your confidentiality is assured!
The assault was broken up by an Elk Grove PD Sergeant.
A1 Towing Elk Grove
Owner: Mickey Maguire
Lic #140627
See related post for full details on the cease and desist issued to A1 towing.
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