
San Joaquin DA Delaying Reports on Police Killings

  San Joaquin DA Tori Verber-Salazar has not released  reports on the following police killings, that were perpetrated a year or more past.   In all instances, the officers are already back on the streets. In many instances, a public cover up, including distorting facts and overt lies by the police agency has occurred. Saoun Pol - Questionable deadly force, possibly murder by Officer Jorge Andrade 5/14/19 Bobby Ray Moore San Joaquin Sheriff refuses to release deputy name 8/27/19 Antwane Burrise - Unarmed with hands up - shot by three officers after being rammed in a CRT ambush attack. Chief Jones lied and stated Burrise rammed police, body cams prove otherwise Body cams proved Burrise was shot with his hands up. Shooters: John Griffin: murdered Matautu Nuu and shooter of Misty Holt-Singh (one of 30 named) David Wells: Shooter of Colby Friday and well known for his community terrorism Blake Epperson: CRT - now a motor officer 7/15/20 Chester Jenkin s - SJ Sheriff Sho...

Stockton's Dirtiest Cop: They call him Dirty Skaggs

 Jeremiah Skaggs is one of Stockton's bad apple cops.  Reports of his abusive behavior to us have been abundant and of course, there is video of him beating a man just for filming.  Jeremiah Skaggs is a dirty cop; however, not just in the way you think. Please take a watch at Stockton's dirtiest cop, Jeremiah Skaggs. Update: Officer Skaggs appears to be flaunting the law.

"Rude" - A new joint by 209badapples

  Rude: A 209badapples joint. Lyrics written performed by 209badapples A song based on the song "Mood" - ft Iann Dior - 24Golden Track: Cover by Edkara Canda Press Police accountability journalists working primarily in the 209 and 916 #copwatch #ftp #alwaysfilmthepolice IG: @209badapples Lyrics: Chorus: Why the police always rude? Fucking people who don't lick they boots. Always tryna tell me what to do. KKKops I say fuck you! Allergic to some honesty, being racist is a policy (repeat) Why the police always rude? Always showing out for the news. Don't have common sense, they just come and shoot. Tired of the bullshit. Always filming the police, yah, that's what we do. If they fuck around, I'll put their silly shit on Youtube. There isn't no crime that calls for their power abuse. Tryna bring my city transparency and the full truth. Fuck the CRT. Always film police. Don't talk to cops...

Stockton Police CRT must be disbanded due to illegal racist policing

Stockton Police call them CRT; the "Community Response Team". We have learned they should be more appropriately called the "Community Racist Terrorists".  This group of officers work directly under the dispatch of a Sergeant.  CRT Sergeant Alejandro Guerrero, 2nd shift CRT sergeant, is very personable and will often play the role of "good cop" who just happens to be there and "doesn't know anything".   In reality, he is running the show and getting his prey to talk. Don't fall for it! Primarily, CRT has two ongoing missions. CRT provides uniformed response in undercover operations.  CRT also travels around in a wolfpack of 4-5 vehicles engaging in racial profiling, illegal searches, and other rights violations using a gang swarm tactic on a vehicle to intimidate the occupants and then proceed to violate their rights.   No front license plate could get you gang swarmed, handcuffed,  and searched by CRT, especially if you are black. Videos ...

Stockton Police Officers who violently attacked copwatcher for filming identified

Violent, rights violating Stockton Police bike gang members Jeremiah Skaggs, Zachary Adams, and Sean McPherson identified! Stockton Police violently attacked Police Accountability Journalist Airkqqled Accountability On May 27, 2020, Jeremiah Skaggs, Zachary Adams, and Sean McPherson beat Airkqqled Accountability to within an inch of life, bruising his ribs and breaking his arm in two spots. Stockton PD claims in their report that he is not "official press". After months of coverup, the three officers were finally identified. The three cops are identified as Jeremiah Skaggs, who beat and tackled AC, Zachary Adams who used the taser continuously, and Sean McPherson who beat AC with the baton and likely used his baton to break AC's arm. The copwatcher was arraigned today in Dept IIIA of San Joaquin Superior Court for "resisting arrest". He pled not guilty and the matter was set in November for a Defense Motion to Dismiss. In the report, Stockton police attempte...

Antwuane Burrise - Ambushed man and Assassinated Character

  On July 15, 2020 Stockton Police, led by well known killer of black men, David Wells, ambushed and killed Antwaune Burrise in a 30 second coordinated attack. On July 16, Stockton PD began to cover up the shooting by going into the press and telling lies and stretching truths; creating a monster to justify the killing of this black man. But who was Antwaune Burrise? This is a special report. Canda Press Police accountability journalists working primarily in the 209 and 916.

Justice for Shayne Sutherland

Shayne Sutherland was a father, a coach, a mentor, a son, a grandson and according to those with whom we have spoke, would give the shirt off his back to help another.   On October 8, when he was the one that needed help, he made a tragic mistake. He called 911 and asked for help from Stockton PD.  Getting "help" from Stockton PD is one of the worst things you could ever receive. Within a half hour, he was dead.  He was dearly loved and those that loved him have come out and are proving it. Officers involved were badapple Ronald Zalunardo and John Afanasiev.   Ronald Zalunardo was one of the officers sued in relation to the police killing of innocent robbery victim Misty Holt-Sigh.   Zalunardo is a K-9 officer assigned with Stockton's other terrorist K-9 cops: David Wells,  Houston Sensabaugh Stevens, and Gabriel Guerrero.    Chief Jones likes to take the psychos, give them a deadly dog, and promote them. Candlelight Vigil Audi...